DESPOJO (Dispossession)

FLATICON K7-500x500

Experimental music sound piece, composed mainly with sounds from old vinyl records from the 60s and 70s. Their clips, crackles or what we commonly call “Fritura” are the raw material.

DESPOJO is a composition of landscapes and moods, of various kinds, starting from its title, which invokes an action rather than a sensation. The landscape it describes is that of technology invaded by the body, on the one hand, the digital body resides, pending the analogue body.

With vinyl sounds, he segmented into fragments or loops of a large sound loop, creating small samples and thus establishing rhythmic bases and some effects.

Few processes were applied to this composition: 1 equaliser, 1 reverb and 1 delay.

Franco Falistoco | DESPOJO (Dispossession) — 2017“Any new process I wanted, I had to build it manually inside the digital audio workstation, but manually, recreating the analogue work.” —| Franco Falistoco.

Also, and to a lesser extent, sound recordings of flowing water, metal sounds and some women’s voices, broken pianos were used. These sounds were also processed by applying the same manipulation processes emulating the analogue working system.

As a corollary, the work was carried out with the not minor decision that, during the whole work process, from composition, layout, mixing and mastering, the author could not leave the house or take a rest until the work was finished. Thus, in this piece, fatigue and aural exhaustion were explored as actors in the work.

In 2023, this work is retaken and subjected to a process of sound spatialisation and binauralisation, using free and open source software.

DESPOJO (DISPOSSESSION) has also been released on these albums:

Idea, Realization: Franco Falistoco.
Audio Engineer, Supervisor: Franco Falistoco.
Mastering Supervisor: Sol Rezza.
Technical Support: No.
Voices: Laura Rocha, Franco Falistoco.
Photo, Video: Franco Falistoco.
Cover Design: Dynamic Range Agency.

Type of Work: Experimental Music.
Release: 2017.02.14.
Year of Production: 2017.
Language: No.
Running time: 5’.
Video Format: No.
Audio Format: Wav, Stereo.
Audio Performance: Binaural.
Binaural Release: 2023.
Audio Plugin: DeaVR Micro.

Franco Falistoco | DESPOJO (Dispossession) — 2017